Sunday, July 22, 2007

Fran Chelico Photography Web Startup...

Ok has taken me forever but I finally have my website up and running. Please stop by to check it out!

Big thanks to Maura & Dan for their patience with this newbie...all your help was greatly appreciated!! Shout out goes out to Daddy for entertaining Max so I can get this done. You ROCK!


suzie said...

Wow, looks great! Loved the contrast of warm sunset image following the black & whites. Fave foto: ADORABLE opening baby portrait; side/side COLOR version highlighting those enormous BLUE eyes would be our only wish-

We definitely recommend Fran Chelico Photography!

Julie said...

I love it, Fran! I never get tired of looking at your photos. The site was easy to use. Makes me want to get married again or have more kids for you to photograph! Good luck :)

Danny Robison said...

Fran is by far the best Photographer I've ever seen. And I've seen a lot!

Unknown said...

Awesome work! You have an amazing eye. We'll be calling you to do our next family portraits! I loved that photo of Max! Bravo!

Anonymous said...

What a creative, energetic, fun-loving photographer. Keep up the great work but to you it's not work, it's all about being an artist and an artist you are! You are blessed!